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WEBINAR - Collaborative Action to Break through on Biodiversity


Biodiversity is an increasingly important topic for businesses and policymakers worldwide:

  1. The European Union is scaling up its efforts in line with von der Leyen’s Green Deal and the new post COVID-19 biodiversity strategy, a “central element of the EU’s recovery plan”.

  2. Companies leading on biodiversity are already assessing their impacts on biodiversity using various tools and methodologies (i.e. Global Biodiversity Score, Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool).

However, there is still a gap in terms of how to practically integrate biodiversity into decision-making processes.

Join this Webinar to:

  • Discover the results of the benchmarking CSR Europe has conducted of 30+ companies from varied sectors;

  • Understand companies’ leadership positioning with regards to biodiversity;

  • Discuss the proposed activities of the platform, and introduce potential platform members.

Who should join:

  • Companies interested to take collective action on biodiversity;

  • National Partner Organisations.

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